How To Be Financially Free with ONE Income Stream as a Filipino Corporate Professional, Freelancer, or Small Business Owner

I know you've been trying
and I see you...

You've been hustling and earning for YEARS but it never seemed like you had “enough” to fund your huge life milestones

You're done hearing about "you need to add more income streams to be financially free" because you're already exhausted with your one main source of income

You're done chasing money and you want to define your own version of financial freedom where you can strike the balance of enjoying the fruits of your labor while feeling secure about funding your future goals

This is why I created this free training where you will learn:

  • How to overcome the biggest roadblocks that prevent you from being financially free with one income stream as a Filipino corporate professional, freelancer, or small business owner

  • Why earning more will not automatically fix your spending problems

  • How to maximize your main source of income NOW with the right financial foundation to fund your next life milestones

  • My 3-step roadmap to financial freedom that built my first million pesos net worth - without complicated systems & depriving myself

Presented by

Nik Madriñan,
Money Mindset & Life Coach

March 25, 2024
7:36am TZ

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    Who is Nik Madriñan?

    From being a shopaholic - now with ₱1M pesos worth of savings & investments by 26, Nik Madriñan is a Money Mindset & Life Coach helping Filipino professionals in funding their next lifestyle milestones - one income stream at a time.

    With 9 years of experience in corporate & business, she created her signature coaching program FUND YOUR FREEDOM where she developed a proven & tested system for building sustainable money habits & systems as the foundational skill to achieve one’s version of financial freedom.